Sunday, October 12, 2014

Poly Dating (or why the hell do I want to be poly, this shit is hard!)

Polyamory is a fairly new concept to most in the Black community. Poly people don’t walk around with signs on their back (things would be so much easier if they did). Finding a poly community in Atlanta was a struggle and finding a Black poly community seemed near impossible when I first started exploring.

Fast forward to now and while I have found a poly community and I am involved in helping to build that community, it’s still a really small segment of society and the POC poly community seems to be even smaller. After you have dated a couple people within the community, it starts to feel a bit incestuous. Your ex is dating the wife of your new love interest kinda stuff. And while it’s all love,  it does get to be a bit much.  And hey! What community doesn’t need some new booty…I mean new blood every once in a while. And me being the person that I am (always willing to help the community in any way possible *insert smile*), I join some online dating sites. There are some sites that are really popular with the poly community and there are a couple poly dating sites…but pickins are still slim. :-/

In the interest of being totally transparent about who I am and what I am seeking, I make it known on my profile that I am bisexual and poly. I think I’m doing right, being upfront, so that those who are not interested in poly relationship will pass on by right?  Too much like right…people can be assholes. Just assholes.
So the messages start rolling in, I’m all excited, thinking there are more poly people in Atlanta than I thought there was. No. Not at all. See, I forgot that people are assholes. Don’t ask me how or why…they just are.

So I’m looking through messages and I swear about 20 dudes sent me messages saying they couldn’t wait to be my man and have another girl. Welllllll, let’s start with the “my man” part. DUDE! You don’t even know me…like for real. Not one single thing do you know about me. Men constantly want to say women are crazy and women  are this and that but how about you get to know someone before even INTRODUCING the topic of something more than friends. Guess what would happen?!??!!! You could figure out if a woman is crazy before you commit to a relationship with her or even better, you can avoid having a crazy ex/baby mama!  #score

Then the assumption that poly is about triads and triads only. Yeah, I don’t do the one penis policy thing so I hate to bust your bubble boo, but not gonna happen.

There are also the guys who did not read ANYTHING in my profile. So I start making sure I ask if they read my profile and understand that I am poly cuz I am proactive like that. The bisexual part didn’t seem to be a problem—go figure. And some men had read, some hadn’t. One guy…I followed my little routine. And he seemed cool, conversation flowing, all that good stuff. And he says something about wanting to find a woman and settle down and can’t wait to find his monogamous heaven. Errrrrrrr, ummmmmmm….Sir, I thought you said you read and understood what was on my profile. He says he does…so I am puzzled trying to figure out where the disconnect came from.  So I ask “Umm Sir, do you know what polyamory means?” His response:  Well no. Screechhhhhhhhh….why would you say you read and understood something if you didn’t know what a word meant? 

Most polyamorous folks that I know feel that dating while poly is just hard. Can’t find other attractive poly folks, can’t find a connection with the poly folks they have met. The ones they connect with are too far or aren’t willing to agree to their rules.  Then there are those that find that the people they meet aren’t serious.  Usually that’s because someone agreed to something and then later changed their mind when they got in it. One thing I have learned—the hard way, is that someone can claim poly all day long and not be willing to do the work on themselves and the relationship in order to create something long term. If it gets hard or complicated, out the door before you can say self work.
Hard. The whole thing is just HARD.

I go back and forth with dating monogamous people, dating sites, dating in general and being poly far more often than I really care to admit. Some days its fuck it, I’m gonna get a dog and call it a day. And then I see friends in the most beautiful polyamorous relationships.  Loving, kind, compassionate, committed relationships. I remember my own triad and how beautiful it could be. And I keep reminding myself to stay open. 

Stay open to the possibility of love.

And the dating sites are good for a few laughs if nothing else  ;-)

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